Bohol Philippines Web Design – Marketing – Hosting

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booking on line

Save Money – book your hotel and resort guests directly through your website!

Our personalized on-line booking management systems are included with every web design package;

Save money and book your hotel and resort guests directly through your website!

booking on line
booking on line for hotels and resorts in Bohol

Bohol Web design has many clients in the lodging, hospitality, travel and tourism industries profiting from our online marketing solutions. We focus on designing Hotel and resort websites that rank on top of the Search Engines.

Our Web Sites excel in usability and facilitate a digital purchasing solution which results in increased bookings, less mistakes  (Double Booking) , Saves Time, and offers more revenue for your business.

Interested in our services?

want to learn more on how we can save you money and book direct through your website instead of paying a travel agency 20% commission on each room booked?

Contact Us Today…

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